this refers to sushi made by layering rice and ingredients , and pressing them for a certain time . 飯と具を重ね、一定時間、力をかけて押したもの。
as one of the seven great temples of nanto (nara ), it boasted magnificent temple buildings in the nara period , but it declined in the heian period for a certain time . 南都七大寺の1つとして奈良時代には壮大な伽藍を誇ったが、平安時代に一時衰退した。
as he was not satisfied with this and opposed to hideyoshi in cooperation with ieyasu for a certain time , but , finally made peace and surrendered to hideyoshi (the battle of komaki-nagakute ). これを不服として一時家康と共に秀吉と相対するが、結局講和して秀吉の下に下った(小牧・長久手の戦い)。
after yoshimoto imagawa died in war in the battle of okehazama in 1560 , imagawa clan went into a decline , and then sunpu was burnt and devastated for a certain time period by invasion by shingen takeda into suruga . しかし、1560年、桶狭間の戦いで今川義元が討死すると、今川氏は衰退し、武田信玄の駿河攻略によって、駿府は焼討ちに遭い一時荒廃した。
however , as similar transference of the fief to enemy ' s territory was carried out for hiromasa yanada and kazumasu takigawa and their former fiefs were guaranteed for a certain time period , there is a view that it was a custom at that time to guarantee the former fief until the new fief is in fact acquired . しかし梁田広正や滝川一益でも同様の敵地への領地替えが行われて旧領はしばらく安堵されていたので、これは新領獲得まで旧領安堵するという当時の作法ではという説がある。